Did you know...?
With the title „Did you know ..?” we introduced some new information about
IO-Link in the German SPS-MAGAZIN to you.

... that IO-Link has an incredible number of parameter assignment methods?
Example 1: How are parameters assigned for an IO-Link device that is simply lying on the table? Several manufacturers offer IO-Link masters for this purpose, which are connected to a PC via USB or a wireless connection. Each IO-Link device has an IODD (IO Device Description-file). The device tool takes the IODD, which enables it to present the device on the screen and to read, write, and edit process data, parameters, and diagnostics.
Example 2: Parameter assignment for an IO-Link device already installed in the machine can be carried out using the engineering tool of the controller. The basis for this is again the IODD as well as a PCT(Port Configuration Tool) or a device tool called up via a TCI (Tool Calling Interface).
Example 3: When the machine is networked via an Ethernet-based fieldbus, parameter assignment is very easy. Modern device tools or web servers integrated in masters allow access to all IO-Link devices over the Ethernet network.
Example 4: Automatic parameter assignment for a device is needed after replacement during service? IO-Link V1.1 supports so-called data storage, i.e., the IO-Link master saves the parameters of all connected IO-Link devices. The IO-Link master recognizes a replaced IO-Link device during power-up and automatically assigns it the parameter data of its predecessor.
Example 5: Controller manufacturers support PLC programmers with system function blocks that allow acyclic data transfer. This enables the programmer to assign parameters for the entire system in an automated manner.
Besides these examples there are many other parameter assignment methods of IO-Link, which are covered in numerous workshops. For more information, click here.
Here you can find information about the advantages of IO-Link and
here about the manufacturers.