Did you know...?
With the title „Did you know ..?” we introduced some new information about
IO-Link in the German SPS-MAGAZIN to you.
This article is published in SPS-MAGAZIN 09/2014.

... that IO-Link is already available in over 10 fieldbuses?
IO-Link has by now been implemented in all established fieldbus systems on the market (PROFIBUS, PROFINET, AS-i, CANopen, CC-Link, DeviceNet, EtherCat, EtherNet/IP, Interbus S, Powerlink, Sercos III). Connection to the PLC via manufacturer-specific backplane buses is also possible. In doing so, the IO-Link master undertakes the crucial connection between the IO-Link devices and the automation system. As a component of an I/O system, the IO-Link master is installed either in the control cabinet or directly in the field as remote I/O in degree of protection IP 65/67.
This fieldbus independence enabled the IO-Link Community to create a corresponding specification, which has already been published by the IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) as IEC 61131-9 (Committee Draft). Thanks to this open standard, systems with IO-Link have now been implemented across all production automation sectors (for example, the automotive and packaging sectors, solar industry, glass production, biogas production, and the woodworking industry). This not only enables new automation concepts in the future but also lays the foundation of Industry 4.0. For this future vision, higher-level systems require a lot of detailed data from the field – and this is exactly what IO-Link delivers.
Here you can find more information about the standardization.