Did you know...?
With the title „Did you know ..?” we introduced some new information about
IO-Link in the German SPS-MAGAZIN to you.

... that IO-Link has reorganized the user workshops?
The practical relevance has contributed to the great success of IO-Link. This is driven by the close collaboration between users, developers, and manufacturers, for example, in free user workshops. In the past 3 years, well over 1000 users have attended the beginners workshops of the IO-Link Community. Due to the growing interest in IO-Link, the proven user workshops have now been restructured. The practice-oriented presentations will impart basic knowledge to participants about standardized point-to-point communication with sensors and actuators in the field. Accordingly, the workshops will start with a general overview of IO-Link and the integration of IO-Link in the automation landscape. Specific problem solutions with experience-based reports supplement the morning session.
In the second and third blocks of presentations, two parallel sessions have been newly introduced in order to address user questions more specifically. While one of the sessions deals mainly with technologies, e.g., takes up aspects of planning and commissioning, speakers in the second session present the specific benefits, such as in maintenance, diagnostics, and for Industry 4.0. Other focal points are device profiles, IODD, and engineering and the replacement of devices during operation. The day is rounded off with user reports and product presentations.
Here you can find more information.