Did you know...?
With the title „Did you know ..?” we introduced some new information about
IO-Link in the German SPS-MAGAZIN to you.

... that IO-Link is superseding the type plate?
Every IO-Link device contains all of the relevant details about the device. Not only are the item number, date of manufacture and firmware or hardware edition stored but it is also possible with device profiles to distinguish the equipment type, e.g. whether it is a pressure or proximity switch. Even the layout of the process data or the structure and thresholds of the IO-Link device-specific parameters are accurately described by the IODD. In addition, machine or plant-specific information can be stored in the device by the user.
Of particular interest is that it is possible to ensure that only suitable sensors and actuators are used in a processing machine. In this way, many machine suppliers guarantee a certain precision or service life, though this can only be assured with genuine components. If a retrofitted sensor does not have this specific identity, the automation system can reject this sensor due to the IO-Link data.
The advantage of this integrated type plate is as clear as day. In the event of an error, all of the requisite information for device identification is available right at the machine and in direct relation to the diagnostic message. For sensors and actuators without IO-Link, the service team first has the trouble of searching for this information in the documentation or circuit diagrams. If, on the other hand, the device features IO-Link, the equipment and location can be quickly identified and an exchange performed in next to no time.
Here you can find more information.