Did you know...?
With the title „Did you know ..?” we introduced some new information about
IO-Link in the German SPS-MAGAZIN to you.
This article is published in SPS-MAGAZIN 08/2014.

... that the IO-Link Community already has 83 member companies?
The interest in IO-Link continues unabated! As of December 2014, 83 companies already belonged to the IO-Link Community. The first quarter of 2014, in particular, saw a significant boost. This trend is confirmed by a recent study by Quest Marketing. According to the study, the market penetration of IO-Link grew from 1% in 2007 to 13% at the end of 2013, and by 2016 47% of German machine manufacturers want to use IO-Link. Interest is increasing on the whole from an international perspective, as well. Many visitors from abroad were informed about IO-Link at Hanover Fair 2014. Even companies that have relied exclusively on proprietary automation systems up to now became enthusiastic about the use of IO-Link.
One major reason for this is that the technology is fully developed. Another is the arrival of IO-Link in applications. By now, almost all PLC manufacturers have integrated IO technology in their systems. Fourteen fieldbus systems support IO-Link, and a majority of sensor and actuator manufacturers have already integrated IO-Link in their components. The applications implemented to date show that IO-Link can tap into a large savings potential across all industry sectors (for example, the automotive and packaging sectors, solar industry, glass production, biogas production, and the woodworking industry).
Device manufacturers also require support when implementing a new technology. There are currently six Competence Centers (4 in Germany, 1 in the Czech Republic, and 1 in the U.S.) whose staff not only advise users and manufacturers about the technology but also provide test tools for developing new devices and provide help for real-world implementation.
Here you can find the member companies.