Did you know...?
With the title „Did you know ..?” we introduced some new information about
IO-Link in the German SPS-MAGAZIN to you.

... that IO-Link enables devices that were previously inconceivable?
IO-Link sets new standards for the design of input/output modules. Whether integrated in the control rack or as a fieldbus module, one and the same module can process a wide range of signals IO-Link masters can replace both binary and analog input and outputs. This facilitates spare parts management and enables flexible machine design. There is no longer a need for so many different types of modules.
In the case of IO-Link devices, several analog values or switching points, or combinations thereof, can be transmitted over a single 3-wire cable. This results in significant cost savings and allows manufacturers to eliminate exotic plug connectors. Smart sensors can thus transmit multiple process values along with diagnostic messages and parameters over the standard M12 plug connector. Furthermore, valve controls with IO-Link can control valves, query feedback information, and evaluate diagnostic information of the entire unit.
Smart rotary encoders with IO-Link can be set universally to the required number of pulses per revolution. This is programmed using IO-Link. As a result, solutions for a wide range of different applications are possible with a single rotary encoder type. IO-Link can also be used to transmit the absolute position value, which is used for process assurance.
Thanks to IO-Link, many new ideas are emerging for designing even smarter and more customer-friendly sensors and actuators.
Here you can find more information.