Did you know...?
With the title „Did you know ..?” we introduced some new information about
IO-Link in the German SPS-MAGAZIN to you.
This article is published in SPS-MAGAZIN 06/2014.

... that every IO-Link device is delivered with a mandatory
device description?
With IO-Link there are many enhanced functions available compared to conventional sensors and actuators. IO-Link devices can be uniquely identified and conveniently parameterized, and they supply diagnostics that open up new opportunities and potential for plant availability and status-controlled maintenance.
In order to make easy use of these functions worldwide and irrespective of the particular automation system used, a device description IODD = IO Device Description has been specified. The IODD is based on the XML technology widely used in connection with the Internet, which facilitates use in different system environments and thus also ensures worldwide acceptance. All properties of the IO-Link devices are described in the IODD. For example, not only the communication properties but also all parameters, error messages and diagnostics are described with their associated texts. The texts can be stored in multiple languages so that nothing stands in the way of the global use of IO-Link.
Probably the most important news about the IODD is that it is mandatory. An IODD exists for every IO-Link device. This is a requirement for issuance of the manufacturer's declaration, which all IO-Link device providers have committed themselves to provide. An IO-Link device without an IODD is not an IO-Link device!
Here you can find more information.