Did you know...?
With the title „Did you know ..?” we introduced some new information about
IO-Link in the German SPS-MAGAZIN to you.

... that the IO-Link data storage enables device replacement without a tool?
Many systems and machines run 24 hours a day. The sensors used there are not located inside the protected environment of the control cabinet but rather are frequently exposed to dust and other harsh environmental conditions. And it is not uncommon for individual components to fail during the thinly staffed night shift. Fast replacement of a defective device must be possible nevertheless. IO-Link has a data storage function with whose help a sensor or other field device can be easily replaced.
For this, the process-specific device parameters of the IO-Link device that were set during engineering are stored in non-volatile memory on the device. At the same time, however, IO-Link ensures that these settings are backed up in the IO-Link master. If the parameters are ever changed via the configuration tool, from the controller/HMI, or by operator control elements on the device itself, the modified parameters are stored in the device as well as in the master.
When the IO-Link device is replaced, the master automatically makes these process-specific device parameters available again to the new device. This allows a device to be quickly and easily replaced while the system is operating because the user does not have to assign any process-specific device parameters. As a result, even an unplanned device replacement loses its intimidation factor. Pouring over data sheets and tiresome searching through documents for the right version and device parameters are no longer necessary. IO-Link finds the right data all by itself.
Here you can find information about the advantages of IO-Link and
here about the manufacturers.