IO-Link Safety Interop Workshop

Karlsruhe - Germany: 10/18/2023, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

More and more manufacturers are now working on the development of IO-Link safety devices. The IO-Link Safety Interop Workshop offers the opportunity to try out the interaction with devices from other manufacturers at the development stage and to exchange ideas on a technical level. Furthermore, open questions can be clarified in discussion with experts and a better understanding can be built up. Depending on the maturity of the development, it is also possible to carry out a test run against one of the testers on offer.

The next date for the IO-Link Safety Interop is on:

10/18/2023, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.


TMG Technologie und Engineering GmbH
Zur Gießerei 10
76227 Karlsruhe (Germany)

Please register by 09/30/2023 at the latest(mail to: 

[published on 20.07.2023]
