Neuer Call for Experts für "IO-Link Master Description"
A standardized, fieldbus, vendor and tool neutral IO-Link Master Description (IOMD) is required as equivalence to the IODD (IO Device Description) which describes sensors and actuators with an IO-Link communication interface for engineering toolchains. The IOMD shall
contain information about a master’s identity, communication properties, port properties (including electrical capabilities), parameters, process data, diagnosis data, supported SMI services and the design of the user interface for engineering tools.
One use case for a standardized IOMD is the possibility of using IO-Link master configuration data independently of manufacturers and tools. In addition, the IOMD in combination with the already available Standardized Master Interface (SMI) will facilitate the interoperability of IIoTapplications (especially Sensor-2-Cloud, Asset Administration Shell and Digital Twin solutions). This will help to shorten the time to market for application development, which is the main benefit for users of IO-Link products.
For this purpose, a new working group "IO-Link Master Description" is looking for experts, who are willing to contribute actively their experience and requirements in this field by
• Use case definitions
• Requirement definitions
• Identification of the basic format
• Definition of the IOMD
All interested member companies are invited to join this working group. Please sign in if you are interested
until January 31rd, 2024
via e-mail to
[veröffentlicht am 21.12.2023]