Did you know...?
With the title „Did you know ..?” we introduced some new information about
IO-Link in the German SPS-MAGAZIN to you.
This article is published in SPS-MAGAZIN 12/2014.

... that IO-Link is a fieldbus-independent communication standard?
IO-Link is a system-independent communication standard at the field level and provides an integrated cyclic data channel (process data) and acyclic data channel (parameters and diagnostics) down to the smallest sensors and actuators. As a component of the internationally recognized standard IEC 61131 (Part 9), IO-Link is associated with control technology and not fieldbuses (IEC 61158 and IEC 61784). As a result, the point-to-point connection can be integrated in all fieldbuses worldwide and is not tied to manufacturer-specific systems. The device description (IODD = IO Device Description) has also been standardized on a fieldbus- and system-independent basis.
IO-Link users can therefore be confident of a long-term, reliable, and internationally accepted solution that is mandatory for all controller manufacturers. And that's not all: the standardization and the support by many manufacturers assure maximum quality, broad functionality for every sector and reliability in use. Standardization also means high investment protection for manufacturers and users.
Broad acceptance is also reflected in the speed with which standardization was achieved. While on average it takes three years to develop an IEC specification, IEC 61131-9 took only two years and was adopted unanimously. Sixty international manufacturers were involved at that time. Now, over 70 companies around the world have implemented the standard in their components. This trend is continuing and, thanks to the standard, IO-Link is establishing itself on the market quickly and sustainably.
Here you can find information about the standardization and
here the manufacturers.